
  1. External causes of morbidity (V00-Y99)
  2. Legal intervention, operations of war, military operations, and terrorism (Y35-Y38)
  3. Operations of war (Y36)

    Type 1injury to military personnel occurring during peacetime military operations (Y37.-)

    Type 1military vehicles involved in transport accidents with non-military vehicle during peacetime (V09.01, V09.21, V19.81, V29.818, V39.81, V49.81, V59.81, V69.81, V79.81)

  4. War operations involving firearm discharge and other forms of conventional warfare (Y36.4)
  5. War operations involving other firearms discharge (Y36.43)

    Type 1war operations involving munitions fragments (Y36.25-)

    Type 1war operations involving incendiary bullets (Y36.32-)

  6. War operations involving other firearms discharge, civilian (Y36.431)