ICD-10 Code | Y07.411 |
Description | Sister, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect |
Hierarchy | |
Billable status | ICD-10-CM Billable code |
Type 1injuries due to legal intervention (Y35.-)
Type 1injuries due to operations of war (Y36.-)
Type 1injuries due to terrorism (Y38.-)
Type 1stepsibling, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect (Y07.435, Y07.436)
Includesinjuries inflicted by another person with intent to injure or kill, by any means
Includesperpetrator of abandonment
Includesperpetrator of emotional neglect
Includesperpetrator of mental cruelty
Includesperpetrator of physical abuse
Includesperpetrator of physical neglect
Includesperpetrator of sexual abuse
Includesperpetrator of torture
Includesperpetrator of verbal abuse