ICD-10-CM code "W21.81": Striking against or struck by football helmet (2024)



  1. External causes of morbidity (V00-Y99)
  2. Exposure to inanimate mechanical forces (W20-W49)

    Type 1assault (X92-Y09)

    Type 1contact or collision with animals or persons (W50-W64)

    Type 1exposure to inanimate mechanical forces involving military or war operations (Y36.-, Y37.-)

    Type 1intentional self-harm (X71-X83)

  3. Striking against or struck by sports equipment (W21)

    Type 1assault with sports equipment (Y08.0-)

    Type 1striking against or struck by sports equipment with subsequent fall (W18.01)

  4. Striking against or struck by other sports equipment (W21.8)
  5. Striking against or struck by football helmet (W21.81)